
PathoPhysiology of Cell Injury Journal is a peer-reviewed, optional open access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies related to all aspects of cell injury.

PathoPhysiology of Cell Injury Journal editors do all they can to ensure timely processing of manuscripts with the resources available to them. If editors intend to publish a manuscript, they will attempt to do so in a timely manner and any planned delays will be negotiated with the authors. If a PathoPhysiology of Cell Injury has no intention of proceeding with a manuscript, editors will endeavor to reject the manuscript as soon as possible to allow authors to submit to a different journal.

PathoPhysiology of Cell Injury Journal currently has an acceptance rate of 31%. The average time between submission and final decision is 60-90 days, but may be more.

PathoPhysiology of Cell Injury Journal is semiannual published issues, the new articles has just been accepted in the journal will be published online through recent article while complete Current Issue is published at 30 th of each June and December.

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